Installing kubectl plugin

kubectl-accurate is a plugin for kubectl to make operations of Accurate easy.

It is strongly recommended to install kubectl-accurate though Accurate can be used without the plugin.

Installing using Krew

Krew is the plugin manager for kubectl command-line tool.

See the documentation for how to install Krew.

$ kubectl krew update
$ kubectl krew install accurate

Installing manually

  1. Set OS to the operating system name

    OS is one of linux, windows, or darwin (MacOS).

    If Go is available, OS can be set automatically as follows:

    $ OS=$(go env GOOS)
  2. Set ARCH to the operating system name

    ARCH is one of amd64 or arm64.

    If Go is available, ARCH can be set automatically as follows:

    $ ARCH=$(go env GOARCH)
  3. Set VERSION to the accurate version

    See the Accurate release page:

    $ VERSION=< The version you want to install >
  4. Download the binary and put it in a directory of your PATH.

    The following is an example to install the plugin in /usr/local/bin.

    $ curl -L -sS$(VERSION)/kubectl-accurate_$(VERSION)_$(OS)_$(ARCH).tar.gz \
      | tar xz -C /usr/local/bin kubectl-accurate
  5. Check the installation

    Run kubectl accurate -h and see the output looks like:

    $ kubectl accurate -h
    accurate is a subcommand of kubectl to manage Accurate features.
      accurate [command]
    Available Commands:
      completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
      help        Help about any command
      list        List namespace trees hierarchically
      namespace   namespace subcommand
      sub         sub-namespace command
      template    template subcommand