Setting up templates

Template is a feature of Accurate to propagate labels, annotations, and resources between normal Namespaces.

Any Namespace except for sub-namespaces can reference a template Namespace. So, a template Namespace can reference another template Namespace.

In the following examples, <name> represents a Namespace name to be changed. Likewise, <template> represents a template Namespace name.

Setting a Namespace as a template

Using kubectl accurate:

$ kubectl accurate ns set-type <name> template

Applying YAML manifests:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: <name>
  labels: template

Reverting a template Namespace to a normal one

Using kubectl accurate:

$ kubectl accurate ns set-type <name> none

Applying YAML manifests:

Remove label.

Setting a reference to a template Namespace

Using kubectl accurate:

$ kubectl accurate template set <name> <template>

Applying YAML manifests:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: <name>
  labels: <template>

Unsetting a reference to a template Namespace

Using kubectl accurate:

$ kubectl accurate template unset <name>

Applying YAML manifests:

Remove label.